Hi I'm trying to get failed login from users who try to authenticate to Splunk using curl authentication, my command was curl -k https://localhost:8089/services/auth/login --data-urlencode username=myUser --data-urlencode password=myWrongPass
and get an XML response saying that it's incorrect username or password, but when I enter valid credentials from this SPL search command : index="_audit" action="login attempt" curl
I only get successful authentication not failed ones. I'm interested to get a list of all failed logins who used curl.
Event result :Audit:[timestamp=05-12-2020 16:11:55.106, user=myuser, action=login attempt, info=succeeded reason=user-initiated useragent="curl/7.69.1" clientip= session=3a7b3720876a61c93d1584b2b8613fe1][n/a]
Splunk's audit log leaves a lot to be desired. What you seek, however, can be found elsewhere. Try index=_internal component=AuthenticationManagerSplunk
Splunk's audit log leaves a lot to be desired. What you seek, however, can be found elsewhere. Try index=_internal component=AuthenticationManagerSplunk
Thanks it's working, but can I get some information about who's trying to login like IP address, machine name, etc. ?? im just getting a simple event :
05-12-2020 16:18:08.790 +0200 WARN AuthenticationManagerSplunk - Login failed. Incorrect login for user: myUser
That's as good as it gets.
there is another workaround to get more information such as clientip, host, etc. by querying the api used in curl index=_internal uri="/services/auth/login"
, the information is logged in splunkd_access.log, and for ui failure authentications in splunk web are logged in splunkd_ui_access.log