Hi All,
I am trying to extract a value from the indexed field. i.e from source field . I have added the regex in props.conf
Example :
source = 234234324234:us-west-2:firehose_list_tags_for_resource
I want everything after second : (colon) as service i.e firehose_list_tags_for_resource
I have added in props.conf as below :
EXTRACT-service = source([^:]+:[^:]+:(?<service>.+)$)
This has created the field service but fetching wrong value. It is fetching last part of raw data.
Please can anyone help me to understand how can I extract field value from indexed data ? Should I add in transforms.conf as well ?
Please can anyone guide me. It helps me lot
Tell Splunk which field to extract from by using the in option.
EXTRACT-service = [^:]+:[^:]+:(?<service>.+)$ in source
Use the below as an example, using both props and transforms, change to your sourcetype that you are using and if it works, change your group names if desired.
REPORT-my_service = extract_service
SOURCE_KEY = source
REGEX = [^:]+:(?<my_service>.+)$
FORMAT = my_service::$1
Hi @Poojitha,
please try this:
| rex field=source ":(?<your_field>\w+)$"
or in props.conf:
EXTRACT-service = EXTRACT-service = source([^:]+:[^:]+:(?<service>.+)$) in source
that you can test at https://regex101.com/r/NBjX8h/1