When attempting to SendAlert to trigger action from our Malwarebytes Splunk App. I receive the following Error in Splunkd log "ERROR PasswordHandler - Decrypted password from stanza=credential::\Administrator: is not utf8, skipping". In the mbbr_python log, I receive the following Error, "05/02/19 22:42:55 dest_ip= message="password extracted for the username:\Administrator"
05/02/19 22:42:55 title="error: unable to extract credentials"message="'clear_password'"
Any ideas on why?? Thanks in advance..
seems like your password was not encrypted correctly. Did you put in the same app itself?
(Or may be bug in the app)
Have a try by removing from all apps, and putting the same stanza in same app within $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/<config_file>.conf
Restart Splunk and see if it fixes
Thanks for your suggestions. I will test your recommendation and update on results. Yes, I did install the application and was prepared to perform a total reinstallation of my Splunk instance. But was afraid I might have some issues with reuse of developers license in rebuild Splunk instance. Results coming..