is there a way that I can save a search that is common to all, so that when I ran it to make another search I wont have to include it in the search bar again? also to optimize the searching and make it faster
my search goes like this:
for machine 1:
source="C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\PATLITE\*" host="DESKTOP-G546H69" sourcetype="csv"
| rename "Green information" AS "Green" | rename "Amber information" AS "Yellow" | rename "Red information" AS "Red" | rename "User name" AS Username
| fields Date_Time, Username, Green, Yellow, Red |rex field=Date_Time "(?P\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})\s(?P\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"
|sort -Time
|table Time, Username, Green, Yellow, Red
|search Username="Machine1"
|dedup Time
|sort 0 Time Username Green Yellow Red
|eval Time=strptime(Time, "%H:%M:%S")
|streamstats window=1 current=f last(Time) as prevTime last(Green) as cGREEN last(Yellow) as cYELLOW last(Red) as cRED by Username
|eval Duration=round(Time-prevTime)
|eval Duration = tostring(Duration, "Duration")
|eval Time=strftime(Time,"%H:%M:%S")
|eval prevTime=strftime(prevTime,"%H:%M:%S")
|table Duration cGREEN cYELLOW cRED
for machine 2:
source="C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\PATLITE\*" host="DESKTOP-G546H69" sourcetype="csv"
| rename "Green information" AS "Green" | rename "Amber information" AS "Yellow" | rename "Red information" AS "Red" | rename "User name" AS Username
| fields Date_Time, Username, Green, Yellow, Red |rex field=Date_Time "(?P\d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2})\s(?P\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})"
|sort -Time
|table Time, Username, Green, Yellow, Red
|search Username="Machine2"
|dedup Time
|sort 0 Time Username Green Yellow Red
|eval Time=strptime(Time, "%H:%M:%S")
|streamstats window=1 current=f last(Time) as prevTime last(Green) as cGREEN last(Yellow) as cYELLOW last(Red) as cRED by Username
|eval Duration=round(Time-prevTime)
|eval Duration = tostring(Duration, "Duration")
|eval Time=strftime(Time,"%H:%M:%S")
|eval prevTime=strftime(prevTime,"%H:%M:%S")
|table Duration cGREEN cYELLOW cRED
the ones in bold are the ones I want to save
What you are describing is a macro. See here:
You create a macro which contains the first part of your search, and then run it with:
`my_macro`|search Username="Machine2" .....
What you are describing is a macro. See here:
You create a macro which contains the first part of your search, and then run it with:
`my_macro`|search Username="Machine2" .....
thank you so much i'll try this!