I have an SPL query that produces a table output like this:
ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM CallCount
12/12/2019 4:00 12/12/2019 4:15 CM2 55
12/12/2019 4:00 12/12/2019 4:15 CE1 0
12/12/2019 4:00 12/12/2019 4:15 CE3 28
12/12/2019 4:00 12/12/2019 4:15 CM4 32
12/12/2019 4:15 12/12/2019 4:30 CM2 192
12/12/2019 4:15 12/12/2019 4:30 CE1 0
12/12/2019 4:15 12/12/2019 4:30 CE3 95
12/12/2019 4:15 12/12/2019 4:30 CM1 157
12/12/2019 4:30 12/12/2019 4:45 CM2 197
12/12/2019 4:30 12/12/2019 4:45 CE1 0
12/12/2019 4:30 12/12/2019 4:45 CE3 92
12/12/2019 4:30 12/12/2019 4:45 CM4 106
12/12/2019 4:45 12/12/2019 5:00 CM2 208
12/12/2019 4:45 12/12/2019 5:00 CE1 0
12/12/2019 4:45 12/12/2019 5:00 CE3 112
The query that produced the table above is this:
index=extract sourcetype=jobsummaries
| rex field=jobName "(?:\w+\s)?(?<CM>\w+)"
| rex field=rangeStart "(?<TS1>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\..+"
| rex field=rangeEnd "(?<TS2>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\..+"
| eval ExtractStart = strptime(TS1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractStart = strftime(ExtractStart, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractEnd = strptime(TS2, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractEnd = strftime(ExtractEnd, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval today = relative_time(now(),"-0d@d")
| eval today = strftime(today, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| where ExtractStart >= today
| rename processedNewCalls as CallCount
| table execId ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM CallCount
| dedup execId
| fields - execId
| sort ExtractStart
How do I modify my query so that my table looks like this?
ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM1 CM2 CM3 CE1 CE3
12/12/2019 4:00 12/12/2019 4:15 0 55 32 0 28
12/12/2019 4:15 12/12/2019 4:30 157 192 0 0 95
12/12/2019 4:30 12/12/2019 4:45 0 197 106 0 92
12/12/2019 4:45 12/12/2019 5:00 0 208 0 0 112
| makeresults
| eval _raw= "ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM2,55
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE3,28
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM4,32
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM2,192
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE3,95
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM1,157
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM2,197
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE3,92
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM4,106
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CM2,208
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE3,112"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
`comment("the logic is below")`
| eval time=mvzip(ExtractStart,ExtractEnd)
| chart limit=0 sum(CallCount) over time by CM
| rex field=time "(?<ExtractStart>[^,]+),(?<ExtractEnd>.+)"
| table ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM* CE*
| fillnull
There are many possible answers.
| makeresults
| eval _raw= "ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM2,55
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE3,28
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM4,32
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM2,192
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE3,95
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM1,157
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM2,197
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE3,92
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM4,106
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CM2,208
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE3,112"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
`comment("the logic is below")`
| eval time=mvzip(ExtractStart,ExtractEnd)
| chart limit=0 sum(CallCount) over time by CM
| rex field=time "(?<ExtractStart>[^,]+),(?<ExtractEnd>.+)"
| table ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM* CE*
| fillnull
There are many possible answers.
hi @to4kawa !! Thanks for taking time to look at my question! Your solution also works. Like you said, there are several possible answers. woodcock also had a suggestion that is somewhat similar to your but he used xyseries and kv.
Learned a few things in this post which I am really thankful for! 🙂
Be sure to UpVote
hi @woodcock ! I am embarrassed to ask but what is UpVote and how do I do it? 🙂
I just UpVoted
your comment. Just click on the up-arrows. It is free.
Thanks, @mmdacutanan
It ’s easy to understand this query.
and xyseries
are good commands, let's use them. 🙂
Never, EVER use sort
without a number (e.g. sort 0 ...
Like this:
| makeresults
| eval _raw= "ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM2,55
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CE3,28
12/12/2019 4:00,12/12/2019 4:15,CM4,32
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM2,192
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CE3,95
12/12/2019 4:15,12/12/2019 4:30,CM1,157
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM2,197
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CE3,92
12/12/2019 4:30,12/12/2019 4:45,CM4,106
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CM2,208
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE1,0
12/12/2019 4:45,12/12/2019 5:00,CE3,112"
| multikv forceheader=1
| table ExtractStart,ExtractEnd,CM,CallCount
| rename COMMENT AS "Everything above generates sample event data; everything below is your solution."
| eval raw = "ExtractStart=" . ExtractStart . " ExtractEnd=" . ExtractEnd
| fields - Extract*
| xyseries raw CM CallCount
| fillnull value=0
| rename raw AS _raw
| kv
| fields - _raw
| table ExtractStart ExtractEnd *
Hi @woodcock ! Thank you for taking time to look over my question. Really appreciate it! I like posting question here in Splunk Answers as I always learn neat tips and tricks that I would not have thought of!
I tried your query and the output after the kv command only produced ExtractStart that only is blank while ExtractEnd only had the date - the time portion was dropped.
After looking around in the internet, I tweaked the solution you gave me to use 'extract' command instead of KV. I also added a | as the delimiter in the concatenation so that I can split the 2 dates more easily:
| eval raw = "ExtractStart=" . ExtractStart . " | "."ExtractEnd=" . ExtractEnd
| fields - Extract*
| xyseries raw CM CallCount
| fillnull value=0
| rename raw AS _raw
| extract pairdelim="|" kvdelim="="
| fields - _raw
| table ExtractStart ExtractEnd *
Still curious to see how to make the kv thing work if you don't mind sharing. 🙂
So the solution worked with a minor tweak? If so, be sure to click Accept
to close the question.
The docs are pretty clear (and it worked in my test example). It is the same as KV_MODE = auto
like this?
index=extract sourcetype=jobsummaries
| rex field=jobName "(?:\w+\s)?(?<CM>\w+)"
| rex field=rangeStart "(?<TS1>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\..+"
| rex field=rangeEnd "(?<TS2>\d+-\d+-\d+\s\d+:\d+:\d+)\..+"
| eval ExtractStart = strptime(TS1, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractStart = strftime(ExtractStart, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractEnd = strptime(TS2, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval ExtractEnd = strftime(ExtractEnd, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| eval today = relative_time(now(),"-0d@d")
| eval today = strftime(today, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")
| where ExtractStart >= today
| rename processedNewCalls as CallCount
| table execId ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM CallCount
| dedup execId
| fields - execId
| stats values(CallCount) as calls by ExtractStart ExtractEnd CM
hope it helps