I'm new to Datamodel then perhaps my 2 questions are basics I checked google and docs but wasn't able to find an answer.
Impossible to see child's fields when using summariesonly (no problem for root's fields)
With tstats I have results when counting "tag" for my root's "S" or child's "S.goog"
| tstats count from datamodel=proxy where earliest=-10m nodename=S by S.tag
S.tag count
Compliance 22213
Denied 5693
error 229
google 8084
| tstats count from datamodel=proxy where earliest=-10m nodename=S.goog by S.tag
S.tag count
Compliance 1263
error 10
google 8120
With tstats summariesonly=t i have only results for root:
| tstats summariesonly=t count from datamodel=proxy where earliest=-10m nodename=S by S.tag
S.tag count
Compliance 7702
Denied 1833
error 73
| tstats summariesonly=t count from datamodel=proxy where earliest=-10m nodename=S.goog by S.tag
No result found
I thought summariesonly was to tell splunk to check only accelerated's .tsidx (not to check data not accelerated)
In doc's splunk:
"To accelerate a data model, it must contain at least one root event dataset, or one root search dataset that only uses streaming commands. Acceleration only affects these dataset types and datasets that are children of those root datasets."
Then why can't I see child's fields like S.tag or nodename=S.goog in .tsidx?
Do I have to activate something on child?
I have a result when I search "last days", "last hour", earliest=-10m but nothing happens if I choose a timerange: Is it a bug in Splunk v6.5 ?
@cabrini,it looks like a right's problem
Check permissions on each element you try to use in your datamodel to be sure it's notprivate
Did you ever find out why this happend?
We have a similiar issue and when i create a clone of the datamodel i am able to use tstats..
@cabrini,it looks like a right's problem
Check permissions on each element you try to use in your datamodel to be sure it's notprivate
Thks evnettype's wasn't..., i had just check tags.