
Save and store results of reports for later use


Hi fellow splunkers,

my question for today is, if I could somehow save reports for later use.
For example:
I run a report everyday at midnight over the data that got collected yesterday. I want to save the reported data into CSV or PDF.
I want to store the report for at least 10 days so users have 10 days to view it in splunk.
I also want to give users some kind of list, where they then are able to click on a report.

Is it possible to save the reported data and store it somewhere for later use?
Is it possible to save a history of reports for a specific time period and let a user choose which report they wanna view?

Best regards,

0 Karma
1 Solution

Esteemed Legend

We used the collect command to save the report details to a Summary Index and then created a macro (you could also create a form) to reconstitute the results. Before sending the data to collect, we added |addinfo|streamstats current=f count as serial to mark each line number and add the info_sid so that the event ordering can be reconstituted and different sets of data (reports) can be discriminated.

View solution in original post

Esteemed Legend

We used the collect command to save the report details to a Summary Index and then created a macro (you could also create a form) to reconstitute the results. Before sending the data to collect, we added |addinfo|streamstats current=f count as serial to mark each line number and add the info_sid so that the event ordering can be reconstituted and different sets of data (reports) can be discriminated.

Path Finder

can you help with an example of how to do this?

0 Karma


Amazing, thank you!
Can you add somekind of example search, so I can image this a bit better?

0 Karma

Esteemed Legend

To get data back just do something like this:

index=MySummaryIndex info_sid=MyReportSid | sort 0 serial | table My List Of Fields And Their Order Here
0 Karma


Great! This isn't as complex as I thought it is.
Thank you woodcock for your excellent help!

0 Karma
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