Hello Guys First let me please thank you for all the help I get from you guys... you people rock!!!!
I am trying to extract a code that is inside a string that reads as follows:
I want to be able to extract the numbers at the end and also the first 3 characters to the left of the numbers so his would give me: XX-8569545 as "XX-" are the 3 first characters on the left side of the numbers... is this even possible in splunk? thank you much for your help guys
@cindygibbs_08 can you try this? As you said field=HEAD, you can remove it to try if not working then it works directly on _raw.
| rex field=HEAD "(?<inner_box>\w{2}\-\d+)\|"
An upvote would be appreciated and Accept solution if it helps!
Can you try this, Assuming your BOX field already being extracted.
| rex field=BOX "(?<inner_box>\w{2}\-\d+\|$)"
If the BOX field already not being extracted you can try below works on _raw directly.
| rex "(?<inner_box>\w{2}\-\d+\|\"$)"
An upvote would be Appreciated and Accept solution if it helps!
@cindygibbs_08 extracted value being written to inner_box field.
Hello @venkatasri thank you so much you are such a sweetheart... I forgot to tell you that the pattern that I am trying to match is actually inside a comment... that can have any sort of words but at some point will contain exactly the pattern that I wrote.. and because of this piece of info that I did not share the regex is not working for me I would be so thankful if you could let me know how to correct the regex to get the pattern from insede a comment
@cindygibbs_08 can you share complete sample event having comment box etc?
Hey @venkatasri thank you for your help this means a lot to me...
The field is call HEAD and it comes like this:
"American_lines_aws_@67-+)// code tab BOX="|autx_path\IUIUXX-8569545| train flight YUOO corp track none client OK AUTH 7382-2+78888"
i know it looks messy and in fact it can be a lot more complicated and it can have more letters or numbers but the only thing that is always consistent is the pattern "|autx_path\IUIUXX-8569545|"
@cindygibbs_08 can you try this? As you said field=HEAD, you can remove it to try if not working then it works directly on _raw.
| rex field=HEAD "(?<inner_box>\w{2}\-\d+)\|"
An upvote would be appreciated and Accept solution if it helps!