
New PDF Generation - Limitations?


So its fairly well known that the new PDF generation is limited to Simple XML and specifically not form elements. Thats all fine and dandy, however I gave it a whirl last week and the outcome was less than pretty.

I've attached screenshots below but I'd love to hear if anyone has any experience on improving the output or if there are plans to improve the quality of the report? As it stands, I think the PDF Server provides a better report (yes, I appreciate it does still have its limitations). For printing timecharts with a table it looks fine but everything feels like it should be landscape and singlevalue modules are butchered..

EDIT: Also, if you using grouping in Simple XML then the PDF only renders the range class names instead of the values

EDIT: Shameless bump, just in case..

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PDF Generation;
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I definitely agree, that's a big step backward. See as well.

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