Is it possible to search for an installed app on all my Splunk servers from for example a Search head? Too save searching all the Splunk for an installed app. Is there a SPL that would make this easy?
Try `| rest /services/apps/local`. You'll need to run it from an instance that has visibility into all other instances - probably the MC.
Try `| rest /services/apps/local`. You'll need to run it from an instance that has visibility into all other instances - probably the MC.
Happy Easter to you & family. Let me give this a try, my MC , I am sure you mean monitoring console. I getting to trust using the monitoring console more & more daily, I believe you use it too. Beside minimal training on how to use the MC on, I have not found much more, I'd really like to become a master of using the MC. Another question sir , do u like the Mets Woot for licensing purposes? Thank u as always. Stay safe.
I do not use Meta Woot, but many people love it.