
How to reload Global savedsearches


If I have saved my searches globally, ie in the file


is it then possible to reload changes somehow?

I have tried several restart/reload options but none seem to work.

  • splunk _internal call /services/admin/search/data/ui/nav?refresh=1
  • splunk _internal call /services/apps//
  • splunk restartss

Obviously if I edit them in the GUI, they will be reloaded but I have changed names to them and would like the new names to appear.

Path Finder

This works for my app savedsearches.conf too.

0 Karma

Path Finder

I mean the web link works for my app's savedsearches.conf

0 Karma


You can use this command to reload the saved searches:

splunk _internal call "/admin/savedsearch/_reload"

or via Splunkweb visit the URI /debug/refresh?entity=admin/savedsearch

eg. http://localhost:8000/debug/refresh?entity=admin/savedsearch

Path Finder

How do I reload the savedsearch.conf for my specific app?

0 Karma


The internal call needed to like this: splunk _internal call /servicesNS/admin/search/admin/savedsearch/_reload -auth username to work. But the web link was useful, it reloads everything. https://servername/en-US/debug/refresh

0 Karma
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