Hey guys,
Is it possible to combine 3 reports (bar charts) from the same index into one report (bar chart)?
Thanks in advance!
Report 1:
index=app_fig keywordA keywordB* keywordC
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "type\=(?<field1>[^,]*)"
| rex "userId:(?<user>\w*)\_"
| rex "workOrder=(?<woNum>\w*)\,"
| search referral=*
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
Report 2:
index=app_fig keywordD keywordE keywordF
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "fieldType=(?<field1>[^,]*)"
| rex "userId:(?<user>\w*)\_"
| rex "workOrderNumber=(?<woNum>\w*)\,"
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
Report 3:
index=app_fig keywordG keywordH
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "fieldName\":\"(?<field1>[^\"]*)"
| rex "userId:(?<user>\w*)\_"
| rex "wo:(?<woNum>\w*)_"
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
Try this
index=app_fig (keywordA keywordB* keywordC) OR (keywordD keywordE keywordF) OR (keywordG keywordH)
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "(type|fieldType)\=(?<field11>[^,]*)"
| rex "fieldName\":\"(?<field12>[^\"]*)"
| rex "(workOrder|workOrderNumber)=(?<woNum1>\w*)\,"
| rex "wo:(?<woNum2>\w*)_"
| eval field1=coalesce(field11,field12)
| eval woNum=coalesce(woNum1,woNum2)
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
Try this
index=app_fig (keywordA keywordB* keywordC) OR (keywordD keywordE keywordF) OR (keywordG keywordH)
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "(type|fieldType)\=(?<field11>[^,]*)"
| rex "fieldName\":\"(?<field12>[^\"]*)"
| rex "(workOrder|workOrderNumber)=(?<woNum1>\w*)\,"
| rex "wo:(?<woNum2>\w*)_"
| eval field1=coalesce(field11,field12)
| eval woNum=coalesce(woNum1,woNum2)
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
This works! But, I'm getting NULL from field11, and VALUE from field12.
I have never used coalesce command before. What does this actually do?
The coalesce (like oracle coalesce) takes the first non-null value. If instead of null values it has literal NULL string, try this variation.
index=app_fig (keywordA keywordB* keywordC) OR (keywordD keywordE keywordF) OR (keywordG keywordH)
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "(type|fieldType)\=(?<field11>[^,]*)"
| rex "fieldName\":\"(?<field12>[^\"]*)"
| rex "(workOrder|workOrderNumber)=(?<woNum1>\w*)\,"
| rex "wo:(?<woNum2>\w*)_"
| eval field1=if(searchmatch("keywordG keywordH"), field12,field11)
| eval woNum=if(searchmatch("keywordG keywordH"), woNum2,woNum1)
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
It still return VALUE and NULL.
So you're getting column with name as "VALUE" and "NULL"?? Can you post the actual query you're running? (mask anything sensitive)
Yes, it return VALUE and NULL, but that's not the only field values. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Oh, I think I just fix it. The some values in the field contain no data, so it returns NULL and VALUE. I add below.
|search field11=*
| search field12 = "fieldValue1" OR "fieldValue2"
So, that only works to exclude NULL, but it doesn't work to exclude VALUE.
How about this
index=app_fig (keywordA keywordB* keywordC) OR (keywordD keywordE keywordF) OR (keywordG keywordH)
| rex "2017-(?P<currentDate>\w*.\w*.\w*)\s(?P<currentTime>\d*\:\d*\:\d*)\s\["
| rex "(type|fieldType)\=(?<field11>[^,]*)"
| rex "fieldName\":\"(?<field12>[^\"]*)"
| rex "(workOrder|workOrderNumber)=(?<woNum1>\w*)\,"
| rex "wo:(?<woNum2>\w*)_"
| search field11=* OR field12=*
| eval field1=if(searchmatch("keywordG keywordH"), field12,field11)
| eval woNum=if(searchmatch("keywordG keywordH"), woNum2,woNum1)
| chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, field1
Issue is fixed. Below is the solution. Thank you! I used the one with coalesce. It's much cleaner
|search field1 != ""
It still has VALUE as one of the field value, and the NULL is excluded.
Depends upon the queries of those 3 reports. As long as their filter/search logic can be combined, they can too.
Ok. I know that it can be combined depending of the query. I was thinking of combining it by report name, since each reports is created with below. But, the regex for each field aren't unique between reports.
chart dc(woNum) by currentDate, referral
That can be made same (may be extract using different names and use eval with coalesce to create a common field). You'd get a dead-straight answer if you could share your searches/queries.
Sorry for the late update. I posted the 3 reports code in my original question.
Yes, it is possible.
how can we do it?
give us something with which to work. What are your 3 searches?
Are you asking the reports' name? Or searches within report?