I need to take this type of one line log entries and format them
"SMTPD" 2056 32922 "2012-07-24 13:01:00.097" "" "SENT: 220 blah.com ESMTP"
I think those are tabs.
I want splunk to create table with the following fields/columns anytime an eventsource="SMTP"
FIELDS = Type,Number,MSG_ID,Date,IP,Message
I tried putting this in props.conf
DELIMS = "/t"
FIELDS = Type,Number,MSG_ID,Date,IP,MSG
This is a windows installation.
The direction of your slash is wrong. It should be a backslash, not a forward slash.
Also, these settings go as a transform in transforms.conf
. This transform is then referred to from props.conf. Something like this.
REPORT-smtp = getsmtpfields
DELIMS = "\t"
FIELDS = Type,Number,MSG_ID,Date,IP,MSG
The direction of your slash is wrong. It should be a backslash, not a forward slash.
Also, these settings go as a transform in transforms.conf
. This transform is then referred to from props.conf. Something like this.
REPORT-smtp = getsmtpfields
DELIMS = "\t"
FIELDS = Type,Number,MSG_ID,Date,IP,MSG
Just to add to this, i still had to add the table command to my search "table Type,Number,MSG_ID,Date,IP,MSG" and then i got exactly what I was looking for. Couldnt have done it without Ayn though. Thanks Ayn!