for a dashboard I will need to display a sparkline with entries blocked / Accessed by an ACL from the Cisco IOS app. Because of the availability of data models I would like to use them to access the data. Unfortunately I am currently not able to create a sparkline that displays what i wanted.
I am able to get 9 charts that can display when each of the values was reached
2 hits at: 10:10, 10:30,10:40
3 hits at 10:20,
4 hits at: 10:50, 11:00
[All numbers displayed in a graph]
How could I get this data into a single graph?
| pivot Cisco_IOS_Event Blocked_Access_List_Event Blocked_Access_List_Event AS "val" SPLITROW _time AS _time PERIOD auto SORT 0 _time ROWSUMMARY 0 COLSUMMARY 0 NUMCOLS 0 SHOWOTHER 1 | eval count=val | eval name="name" | eval Time=_time|chart sparkline by val
Thanks for your help!
I fixed it. The solution was the following:
search index="cisco-firewall" action="blocked"
Simple, but works. However I have to admit that I would have preferred a solution with the data model.
Best Regards!
I fixed it. The solution was the following:
search index="cisco-firewall" action="blocked"
Simple, but works. However I have to admit that I would have preferred a solution with the data model.
Best Regards!