
Can I extend the GUI to export log events to user's PC?

Path Finder

I've written a script to export log events. The script currently writes the result to the local disk.

But, most of our users don't have shell accounts.

Is there a way in Splunk for users to export and download the results without having to have access to the Splunk box?

Is it possible add my script as an option to the existing "Export Results" window, or as a different button, or something?

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0 Karma


Ah. As a simple workaround you could have your script produce the export in a directory accessible by the Splunk webserver (etc/apps/blah/static for example) and display a link after the export for the user to download from.


To make the link more clickable you could produce a file name in the script and use that to specify the drilldown target:

0 Karma

Path Finder


Using the regular export raw format works, as you say, depending on what you want to export. Basically, it has to be close enough to Splunk's usual CSV format, or Splunk gets unhappy: "did not return events in descending time order, as expected".

So marked up .csv could work, but if you wanted a more different file format, say .rtf, no luck.

0 Karma

Path Finder

Exporting to static works, but displaying the link to it doesn't.

Having created splunk/etc/system/static/tmp/blah.blah, it can be read by pointing a browser at ...:8089/static/tmp/blah.blah.

But it's not obvious how to export that as a link. If the script returns a link, then splunk displays that link, but as text, not as a hyperlink. Clicking on it takes the user back to the original search, it doesn't follow the link.

The user can cut and paste, or if the filename is predictable, the user can be told what to type, which could sort of work, but isn't nice.


0 Karma


Depending on what you want to export and how, you might also be able to put the format conversion into a custom search command and use the regular export button's raw events format.

0 Karma

0 Karma

Path Finder

That could work nicely...

0 Karma

Path Finder

I need to export in a custom format.

0 Karma


What's wrong with the standard export button in the regular search UI?

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