I'm interested in blogging my experiences with Splunk, blog.splunk.com
doesn't have a section for this. Can anyone recommend where to do this?
For those interested, my blogging will include
-My environment
-Use cases
-Funny "tech" support stories from co-workers involving Splunk
-Common problems I face
-Solutions to those common problems
-Unique ways I've used Splunk to solve problems
-Day to day life using Splunk
I use github repo instead of blogging and i've created a project with all learnings/experiences/scripts together. (You can make it to .io if you want to make it a blog)
This way, you can change your experience, if you find something better and it can be followed by other people, open source etc.
Hi Koshyk, may i know your github repo link please..
That's a pretty good idea, thanks for this!!
I'd like to follow your Blog. Following this Question for now. Please post your blog URL once you start.
Hey @skoelpin!
I'll email you and get you connected with some folks 🙂
You guys are great, thanks!
@Mus @ppablo
Hey skoelpin,
awesome idea :). I'm really happy someone brought this up.
Pls let me know when your first post is finished and where I can find it.
Thanks and happy writing!
Thanks @pyro_wood !! I will keep you posted when I start!
Just did the same :))