Just wanted to know Ad account activity who deleted user account ?
@AL3Z - I don't know your use-case for above searches and stuff but I have combined the searches for you.
index=winsec sourcetype=XmlWinEventLog (EventCode=4743 NOT SubjectUserName="Win_Dir") OR (EventCode=4726 NOT SubjectUserName="EC_Okta") OR (EventCode=4725 NOT (SubjectUserName="EC_Okta" OR SubjectUserName="Win_Dir"))
| bin _time span=5m
| stats values(signature) as EventCodeDescription, values(TargetUserName) as TargetUserName, values(TargetDomainName) as User_Domain dc(TargetUserName) as TargetUserName_count, values(object) as User_account_deleted, dc(object) as User_account_deleted_count by EventCode, _time SubjectUserName
| eval Computer_user_deleted=if(EventCode==4743, TargetUserName, null())
| eval computeruser_count=if(EventCode==4743, TargetUserName_count, null())
| eval disabled_account=if(EventCode==4725, TargetUserName, null())
| eval disabledaccount_count=if(EventCode==4725, TargetUserName_count, null())
| eval src_user=if(EventCode=4725 OR EventCode=4726, SubjectUserName, null())
| eval Deleted_by_User=if(EventCode=4734, SubjectUserName, null())
| where computeruser_count > 10 OR User_account_deleted_count > 10 OR disabledaccount_count > 10
I hope this helps!! Kindly upvote if it does!!!
@AL3Z - In order to get the Windows/AD user account deletion events, try below search query:
index=wineventlog EventCode=4726
| table _time, ComputerName, Subject_Account_Name, Target_Account_name
Ensure you have installed Splunk_TA_windows on your environment, even on the search head.
I hope this helps!!!
@AL3Z - Splunk_TA_windows Add-on is for field extraction.
A query if 100 systems gets deleted in a span of 1 minute.
index=wineventlog EventCode=4726
| table _time, ComputerName, Subject_Account_Name, Target_Account_Name
| bin span=1m
| stats count, values(Target_Account_Name) as deleted_accounts, values(Subject_Account_Name) as admins by _time
| where count>100
I hope this helps!!! Kindly upvote/karma if this helps!!!
If in that one sec let say 10 computers deleted we will not be able to get that right?
@AL3Z - of course not, that's a different logic right.!
@AL3Z - Do you mean to use accounts on Splunk? Or do you mean user accounts in Windows/AD as mentioned by @richgalloway ?
Please provide additional information about your question.
Search your index of Windows event logs (often wineventlog or windows) for the event code corresponding to a user account deletion. See https://ultimatewindowssecurity.com for the event code.