i have splunk index configured in my openshift cluster as a configmap, now if i change the index on the cluster still my container logs are moving to the old index. is there something i am missing?
@poojabolla Hello Pooja, If you reference an index that does not exist in your Splunk environment, you will receive an error message similar to: “Error in ‘Search’: The specified index does not exist.” Even a small typo in the index name can lead to errors. Make sure you’ve spelled the index name correctly.
@poojabolla Hi Pooja, the index names on the source (open shift) and destination (Splunk) should match. Therefore, the index should only contain the data. Open shift logs should not be sent to Splunk if the index name differs.
But what if the splunk index itself is missing in splunk, wont it give me any error while writing the queries to retrieve the data?