I have created an email alert and the recipients are pulled from the search results. Below is the part of the search query
| stats count by CreateTimestamp CCRecipients
| rename CCRecipients as Recipients
| table CreateTimestamp Recipients
| fields - count
and in the email alert configuration i added this $result.Recipients$ under the CC field
Now without having Recipients in the search results, i cannot parse it in the CC field.
So now when the mail gets triggered, the values in Recipients are getting displayed as part of the table, now do i mask this from appearing in the email?
Try this
| stats count by CreateTimestamp CCRecipients
| rename CCRecipients as _Recipients
| fields - count
Then add this $result._Recipients$ under the CC field
The issue is resolved, thanks a lot.
Try this
| stats count by CreateTimestamp CCRecipients
| rename CCRecipients as _Recipients
| fields - count
Then add this $result._Recipients$ under the CC field