Dear Splunkers,
I would like to ask for support in order to provide specific users with the capabilities they can edit permissions for Alerts and Dashboards. We do have several different Users created but this specific user had inherited Power roles. But despite users are not allowed to modify permissions even for own dashboards or alerts.
Can you please suggest ?
Thank you
Hi @Stives ,
I mean that you have to assign the correct sharing properties to the knowledge objects.
In other words, you have to assign the writing feature to the roles that you want that are enabled to modify the object (dasjboard or alert).
It isn't a problem of creating other roles with different permissions.
Hi @Stives ,
you should modify the permissions of the alerts and dashboard that you want to modify giving the "Write" permission for the role of these users.
It isn't a role problem, but a knowledge objects sharing permissions problem.
Hi Giuseppe,
thank you for feedback. This is exactly the problem user who created dashboard can´t edit permissions and on the other side I´m not able see his dashboard as it´s set to Private so we not able move forward like this.
Hi @Stives ,
if they are private, you cannot do anithing, he shoudl share it at least at app level, enabling the roles to edit alerts and dashboards.
If these knowledge objects are orphaned (because e.g. the account was disabled), there's a feature to assign them to another user, then you can share to the correct roles.
Otherwise, the only way is to search them on conf files and copy in another user or app area.
Hi Giuseppe,
thank you for feedback I appreciate. In your previous message you mention It isn't a role problem, but a knowledge objects sharing permissions problem.
What exactly you mean by that?
Hi @Stives ,
I mean that you have to assign the correct sharing properties to the knowledge objects.
In other words, you have to assign the writing feature to the roles that you want that are enabled to modify the object (dasjboard or alert).
It isn't a problem of creating other roles with different permissions.
Hi Guiseppe,
thank you. Finally managed to adjust permissions. The problem was that the user was not properly defined inside of Search/Reporting app. permission. Now it´s fixed.
Thank you.
Hi @Stives ,
good for you, see next time!
Ciao and happy splunking
P.S.: Karma Points are appreciated 😉