Is there a way (via Splunk cli?) to restart the splunkd process on remote servers?
Using Splunk CLI:
splunk _internal call /services/server/control/restart -method POST -uri https://remoteserver:8089 -auth admin:goodpassword
Consider Web Terminal for Splunk app for situations when Splunk CLI or curl are not available.
Using Splunk CLI:
splunk _internal call /services/server/control/restart -method POST -uri https://remoteserver:8089 -auth admin:goodpassword
Consider Web Terminal for Splunk app for situations when Splunk CLI or curl are not available.
Powershell Winrm is turning out to be very nice add in my environment (Windows) for managing my servers. I am in the process of setting up 40+ and I used powershell with winrm to manage almost all settings.
When WINRM is up and configured you can use:
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $computername { <Command> }
Enter-pssession -computername
Cd Splunk\bin
.\splunk.exe restart
WINRM with powershell is like telnet for unix. Microsoft finally understands the power of scripting and remote management via the command line.
curl -k -u admin:PASSWORD https://HOSTNAMEREMOTE:8089/services/server/control/restart -X POST
This should work as long as the PASSWORD is NOT the default (mainly for forwarders)