Trying to get a list of all servers - i have a 3 tiered solution SH, IDX, HF
| rest splunk_server=* /services/server/status/resource-usage/hostwide
Only shows the SH and IDX
If i run the cmd locally on the HF i get the expected output.
Why is this ? is it possible to configure the SH to know there is a HF ?
this is a test env - prod has a standalone MC - so in this instance with MC on the only SH i can add the HF as a peer ?
Put this dashboard on your Monitoring Console, where it is perfectly appropriate to peer with HFs. DO NOT peer your HFs to your regular Search Head!
I was looking to build a dashboard of resource usage accross tiers - so was using the rest method - but if i can't use that across all tiers - i don't really want to add it it as a search peer ?
what would be recommendation ?
You'd need to add those HF as search peers to the instance where you're running your REST query from (which I assume would be your SH).
Why do you want your SH to know there is a HF? Do you mean SH or Master Console?