I have a log file which should be updated in every min, but some time service hung, so the file cannot get update. Need to send an alert: if the file wasn't updated more than 5mins.
But tried with the following different ways, the results seems not accurate. Any idea? Thanks.
I did:
index=abcapp source=abc.log"
| sort _time
|streamstats window=2 range(_time) as timediff
|table timediff _time
|eval alert=if(timediff>=5,1,0)
|where alert=1
index=abcapp source="abc.log"
| sort _time
| delta _time as timediff
| eval alert = if(timediff>5,1,0)
|where alert =1
index=abcapp source="abc.log" earliest=-5m latest=now
|stats count as num
| eval alert = if(num=0,1,0)
|where alert =1
| tstats max(_time) as _time where index=abcapp earliest=-20m
|where _time<now()-300
You can adjust the windows (earliest= parameter). Might not return proper values if you have some invalid timestamps from the future in your undex (didn't test for it though).
Thanks for helping, this works.