Having issues receiving data from my AD,
Firewall is set to allow 9997 and 8089 TCP/UDP Outbound and Inbound
I get the below Error and warning in my splunkd.log
11-06-2013 06:59:02.526 +1300 ERROR TcpOutputFd - Resurrect failure
11-06-2013 06:59:02.994 +1300 WARN TcpOutputProc - Connected to idx= Not using ACK.
Looks like a network issue, check these things:
I would also do a packet trace on both the splunk server and the AD machine to confirm that there's no packet loss or strange behaviour from the AD. You can compare it to a packet trace on a machine that works properly to see if there's any discrepancies.
Issue was due to Forwarder being 5.0 and Indexer being 6.0, thanks, should have noticed that one :S
Looks like a network issue, check these things:
I would also do a packet trace on both the splunk server and the AD machine to confirm that there's no packet loss or strange behaviour from the AD. You can compare it to a packet trace on a machine that works properly to see if there's any discrepancies.