Mr. Hare recently installed the PDF server app on the bunny farm and I'm finding the 'status page' link is timing out.
splunkd log reports an error:
2012-05-09 08:23:03,586 INFO Executing /opt/splunk/etc/apps/pdfserver/bin/firefox-x86_64/firefox -print -printmode pdf -printfile /tmp/tmpuUMtGC -title -orientation portrait -paperwidth 216 -paperheight 279 -mode default -timeout 240 -windowsize 782x768 -cookie session_id_8000=xxxxxxxxxxx -P splunk
2012-05-09 08:27:05,378 INFO pdfhandler:628 - Generated pdf file. bytes=72392 time=241.78
2012-05-09 08:27:05,378 INFO Generated pdf file. bytes=72392 time=241.78
2012-05-09 08:27:05,387 WARNING pdfhandler:749 - Firefox timed out while waiting for the report to be rendered - Incomplete snapshot generated
any carrots to offer the Chubbybunny?
Another option you may want to try is to do the following:
Increase the pdf_echo timeout here:
line 438: timeout = 200
Let us know how it works for you
Thanks for using Splunk Answers
Another option you may want to try is to do the following:
Increase the pdf_echo timeout here:
line 438: timeout = 200
Let us know how it works for you
Thanks for using Splunk Answers
it looks like the default is 20, increasing it worked for us!
(_ /)
You can change the setting for firefox timeout from default 4 minutes to something larger.
In $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/pdfserver/local/pdf_server.conf add the following:
screenshot_enabled = True
restrict_to_splunkweb = False
firefox_timeout = 340
firefox_timeout is the parameter where you will want to increase.