I wanted to get the details of the top 5 indexes consuming high license seperated by date for last 7 days in a single query.
16th -top 5 index --gb
17th -top 5 index --gb
18th top 5 index --gb
Please help me with the above query
The Monitoring Console has such a search. See Indexing->License Usage->Historic License Usage.
Here is a slightly modified version of that search that should more close meet your requirements.
index=_internal source=*license_usage.log* type="Usage" earliest=-7d
| eval idx=if(len(idx)=0 OR isnull(idx),"(UNKNOWN)",idx)
| bin _time span=1d
| stats sum(b) as b by _time, idx
| timechart limit=5 span=1d sum(b) AS volumeB by idx fixedrange=false
| fields - _timediff
| foreach "*"
[ eval <<FIELD>>=round('<<FIELD>>'/1024/1024/1024, 3)]