Hi There,
I am running below query,
base search | rename msg.message as "message", msg.customer as "customer" | stats count as Total, count(eval(isnull(msg.errorCode))) as Success, count(eval(isnotnull(msg.errorCode))) as Error, eval(((Success/Total)*100)."%") as SuccessRate by customer
and I am getting below error.
Error in 'stats' command: The number of wildcards between field specifier '((Success/Total)*100).%' and rename specifier 'SuccessRate' do not match. Note: empty field specifiers implies all fields, e.g. sum() == sum(*).
Can anyone please tell me where I am wrong?
basically I want to calculate a percent of total successful events here.
Hi @Nafees,
you can use the eval command in stats, but only to filter results for a function, not for calculation, please try this:
base search
| rename msg.message as "message", msg.customer as "customer"
| stats
count AS Total
count(eval(isnull(msg.errorCode))) AS Success
count(eval(isnotnull(msg.errorCode))) AS Error
BY customer
| eval SuccessRate=(((Success/Total)*100)."%")
yes @gcusello , my apologies. Its working fine, I got confused at the start but when I tried this, it is working now. Thanks for your help as always. 🙂 One more Karma is on its way for you !!! 🙂
Hi @gcusello ,
thanks for response, but I want to show Total, Success and Success Rate in one table which is grouped by the customers. How to do that then?
Hi @Nafees,
did you tried my solution?
with it you have, for each customer, Total, Success and Success Rate on the same row.
What's the issue?
Hi @Nafees,
you can use the eval command in stats, but only to filter results for a function, not for calculation, please try this:
base search
| rename msg.message as "message", msg.customer as "customer"
| stats
count AS Total
count(eval(isnull(msg.errorCode))) AS Success
count(eval(isnotnull(msg.errorCode))) AS Error
BY customer
| eval SuccessRate=(((Success/Total)*100)."%")
Actually, while your solution as such is OK, the underlying explanation is not.
As I wrote in a feedback to the docs (which should have been included already, but for some reason still isn't), it works a bit different than just filtering.
The expression provided in eval() statement is evaluated and - true/false in case of count() is treated the same way as not null/null. That's why count(eval(a>b)) works like filtering. But that's due to implicit operations performed on the eval result. But understanding stats with eval() as filtering leads to wrongly built searches and/or bad results.
| stat agg(eval(expression))
is equivalent (remembering about the implicit conversion and the fact that you can't assign a boolean value to a field) to
| eval b=expression | stat agg(b)
Since stat with eval is often used with count as aggregation function, it might be indeed interpreted as filtering but it is not.
| makeresults count=10
| streamstats count
| stats count(eval(count>4)) as c4
sum(eval(count>4)) as s4
sum(eval(if(count>4,count,null()))) as si4
sum(eval(count*count)) as cs4
As you can see from this run-anywhere example, the count will give you proper number of events which have the count number higher than 4. There are of course 6 such events. But you can't sum booleans so the s4 field will be null. But the si4 field will contain sum of all count fields with value bigger than 4 and cs4 will contain sum of squares of all values of field count.
The reason for OP's error was lack of aggregation function, not eval as such.