Knowledge Management

search a value in a field having collective data


I am having a lookup which have collective values like the screenshot below:
alt text

It contains collective values for pKey field. pKey field is getting calculated by doing lookup to another lookup which is returning the collective data.
I want to search a value inside this field like below

| inputlookup test_key_vatson.csv

This is not giving the correct result as below:
alt text

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Ultra Champion
| makeresults 
| eval _raw="email_id,flag,pKey,report_type,open,5e1d9bbb43a6f560c35c89c1,upcoming_offers,open,5e1d9d4c43a6f52a50596021," 
| multikv forceheader=1 
| stats list(*) as * by _time 
| table email_id,flag,pKey,report_type
    `comment("this is sample you provide")` 
| eval flag=if(match(pKey,"5e1d9bbb43a6f560c35c89c1"),"True","False")

Hi, @nagar57
match is useful.
You can use both multi and single field values.


Since you're working with a multivalue field, you want to use multivalue commands Below are two examples of things that should work (matching a regex block or filtering down to just that row):

| makeresults count=2
| streamstats count
| eval letter=if(count=1, "a", "b")
| stats values(letter) as letter
| eval letterExists=if(match(letter, "a"),1,0)
| eval letterFiltered=mvfilter(match(letter, "a"))

Hope this helps 🙂

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