Not sure what Total fields, Issue fields, CIM Compliance (all DM fields) and CIM Compliance (recommended fields) mean in the app. Following the associated searches is a bit rough.
Total fields is the number of fields in the selected data model
Issue fields is the number of fields with a problem (not found,
CIM Compliance (all DM fields) is the percentage of data model fields found in your data
CIM Compliance (recommended fields) is the percentage of recommended data model fields (not all fields are necessary) found in your data.
Total fields is the number of fields in the selected data model
Issue fields is the number of fields with a problem (not found,
CIM Compliance (all DM fields) is the percentage of data model fields found in your data
CIM Compliance (recommended fields) is the percentage of recommended data model fields (not all fields are necessary) found in your data.
So, for the Total fields it's -
| datamodel Web
| rex max_match=999 "fieldName\":\"(?<field>[^\"]+)"
| stats values(field) as field
| mvexpand field
| where NOT match(field, "_time|host|sourcetype|source|[A-Z]+|_bunit|_category|_priority|_requires_av|_should_update") OR match(field, "object_category")
| join type=outer field
[ search index=bluecoat
| head 10000
| fieldsummary maxvals=15
| eventstats max(count) AS total
| eval percent_coverage=round(count/total*100, 2)
| table field, percent_coverage, distinct_count, total, values]
Meaning, all is based on the 25 fields from the datamodel...