I'm hoping to get a single summary index query that I can then use to pull data in different ways. I would prefer to roll the data up daily but there are about 150 million events in a day. Normally that wouldn't be an issue but I'm also wanting to group the data by lots of different fields like this:
| fields ApplicationName, DataCenter, Environment, ServerType, host, ErrorCode, MessageText, _time
| eval dateOnly = strftime(_time, "%x")
| fields dateOnly, ApplicationName, DataCenter, Environment, ServerType, host, ErrorCode, MessageText
| fillnull value=""
| stats count as messageCount by dateOnly, ApplicationName, DataCenter, Environment, ServerType, host, ErrorCode, MessageText
The goal is to count the number of times a particular message occurs. On the backside, when this summary is done the user would select the data back like this:
index=summary source=mySource ApplicationName=foo DataCenter=foo Environment=bar ServerType=bar host=*
| stats count as by dateOnly
On retrieval the user will know the various filter fields which is a much smaller set of data. So if I group by the filter fields when building the summary index then I can use them to filter later. I like that this gets me a single summary index job but the query takes like 2.5 hours to complete.
Am I better off running more summary jobs and filtering up front?? Will mean more Summary Index sources and more jobs, which is annoying but maybe necessary?? Thanks.
What is the frequency of your summary report? If its daily you can schedule it twice a day for a window of 12 hours or may be every hour depending on the data.
Also based on ApplicationName you can create separate summary reports collecting data into same summary index and different source name(source name will be named of your scheduled report), and later when you search in the query you can use index and source name in your query for particular application.
What is the frequency of your summary report? If its daily you can schedule it twice a day for a window of 12 hours or may be every hour depending on the data.
Also based on ApplicationName you can create separate summary reports collecting data into same summary index and different source name(source name will be named of your scheduled report), and later when you search in the query you can use index and source name in your query for particular application.
I think your suggestion to split up the data by application and run separate jobs and separate sources is a good option. Thanks.