In the latest Splunk Security Essentials 3.4.0, and previous release the Data Inventory detection in CIM+Event Size Introspection starts a query that will never complete due to an unmatched paranthesis. The query is autogenerated, so I'm not sure if this is due to a misconfiguration on my part, or perhaps just a unwanted feature.
(index=main source=WinEventLog:Security) ) OR (index=main source=WinEventLog:Security ) | head 10000 | eval SSELENGTH = len(_raw) | eventstats range(_time) as SSETIMERANGE | fields SSELENGTH SSETIMERANGE tag | fieldsummary
If you have an entitlement, please file a support request to report that bug.
If you have an entitlement, please file a support request to report that bug.