Knowledge Management

Splunk AI Assistant

New Member


I had couple of questions related to Splunk AI Assistant

1. Do we need to install Splunk AI Assistant on each Splunk Server that we using?

2. Can Splunk AI Assistant be called using API calls?

3. Does Splunk AI Assistant provide SPL query or result of SPL query?

4. Based on users query, if there are multiple matches, will Splunk AI Assistant return all available SPL queries or the best match?

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I am not a developer of the app so I can only speak from my experience:

1. No, the Splunk AI Assistant App translates your input prompt to SPL and/or explains a SPL prompt. It needs only to be installed on one server, and it can even be a separate experimental server that is disconnected from your production environment.

2. The Splunk AI Assistant App implements a command "splgen" which is a search command. Thus it is possible to run this command through a Splunk search dispatched via API. See:

3. The Splunk AI Assistant App provides the SPL query and an explanation if desired. No results of running it.

4. The Splunk AI Assistant App provides a single "best guess" SQL query based on your prompt. Not a selection of alternatives.


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