I wonder whether someone may be able to help me please.
Could someone tell me please, is it possible to create a query which produces a list of all the 'search macros'. I've tried to find the correct settings using a REST query, but I'm not sure whether I'm going down the correct path or not.
Many thanks and kind regards
Does this work for you?
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros count=0 splunk_server=local
or the shorter
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros count=0
Try this:
| rest splunk_server=local /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros
| table title, args, eai:acl.app, definition
Didn't see the answer above so ignore mine as it's pretty much the same
Does this work for you?
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros count=0 splunk_server=local
or the shorter
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros count=0
Thank you!
I'm using your answer to perform searches such as:
| rest /servicesNS/-/-/admin/macros count=0
| where 'eai:appName'="myapp" AND like(title, "some_macro_name_prefix_%")
| table title
Why? I'm researching how to create a multiselect dropdown in a dashboard that lists macros whose names begin with a certain prefix, and then appends the selected macro(s) to the dashboard search. This is a relatively easy way to enable users to specify "custom" filters that are not directly, or not easily, supported by existing UI controls. I already include a text box for users to add their own SPL snippets to the text, so users could already "manually" refer to macros; a dropdown is friendlier.
Where is /admin/macros documented? I couldn't find it within the REST API Reference Manual.
Hi @msivill, that's brilliant.
Thank you very much.
Kind Regards