Knowledge Management

KV Store field type cidr


Hello Splunkers

I just noticed that there is a field type "cidr" for the KV Store.
According to the API documentation this should handle any kind of IP ranges nicely in canonical form.

Until now we used field type string
field.netrange = string

I created a new collection for testing with
field.netrange = cidr
and transferred the content with | inputlookup | outputlookup

But upon inspection | inputlookup

I still observe the previous non-canonical IP ranges like 2001:620:2000::/48

Did I do something wrong?

What is the benefit of using the field type cidr when there are no changes?

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

There is no additional benefit. CIDR is implicit:

0 Karma


I am not sure if I understand this correctly
According to the documentation the field using field.cidr should be converted to a canonical CIDR address

Could you sort elaborate on what you mean with implicit?

0 Karma

Ultra Champion

2001:620:2000::/48 is already a canonical address.
(I think its clearer with IPv4) is also a canonical address is NOT a canonical address, so this would be converted to its canonical version which would be:

If my comment helps, please give it a thumbs up!


I have the same issue. @mathiask Did you ever get to resolve this issue? If so, Can you please share your solution here.

0 Karma


Sadly, I did not further investigate or resolve this issue yet.

0 Karma
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