When searching on an index, you can pipe to "head 100" and retrieve 100 results.
index=my_index cookie* | head 100
However, when searching over a data model, how do you tell it to get only 100 results?
| tstats count from datamodel=my_dm where g.message=cookie* by g.id
Did you try
| tstats count from datamodel=my_dm where g.message=cookie* by g.id|head 100
Below works for me
|tstats count from datamodel=test by sourcetype|head 2
Where test is index=_internal
The exact same way:
| tstats count from datamodel=my_dm where g.message=cookie* by g.id | head 100
Or, more productively,
| tstats count from datamodel=my_dm where g.message=cookie* by g.id | sort 100 - count
Did you try
| tstats count from datamodel=my_dm where g.message=cookie* by g.id|head 100
Below works for me
|tstats count from datamodel=test by sourcetype|head 2
Where test is index=_internal