I am using splunk, and running btool to list out my index settings. The trouble is I only want one stanza, but btool treats the stanza as a wildcard.
splunk btool --debug indexes list cisco
I get all stanza's with "cisco" in them (there are 51 of them, including "index=cisco"). how do restrict this? I only want the "cisco" index.
Have you tried btool command with grep? Something like this...
splunk btool --debug indexes list | grep -A 10 "[cisco]"
-A flag will show you N lines after the string your are looking for
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.
I admit, I had hoped there was a way to do it within btool itself, but grep is always an option...
Have you tried btool command with grep? Something like this...
splunk btool --debug indexes list | grep -A 10 "[cisco]"
-A flag will show you N lines after the string your are looking for
If this reply helps you, Karma would be appreciated.