I just updated my indexer to 4.1 this morning and found the following in the migration log:
Cannot automatically migrate pre 4.1 tags.conf : D:\Program Files\Splunk\etc\apps\SKB-windows\default\tags.conf Please consider doing manual migration
This was seen for most of the apps.
What is involved in a manual migration, and what likely cause exists to prevent an automatic migration?
Manual migration will be an arduous task, as the entire format of that file has changed. Check out 4.0.10 tags.conf versus 4.1 tags.conf
After hearing of this failure of the migration script initially, we ran some tests in-house and produced the same error message, but the files were actually migrated successfully and do in fact match the new format correctly. Before you try migrating manually, you may want to verify this.
Version 4.1.1 was GA'd yesterday, and includes a fix to the migration script that will resolve this
Manual migration will be an arduous task, as the entire format of that file has changed. Check out 4.0.10 tags.conf versus 4.1 tags.conf
After hearing of this failure of the migration script initially, we ran some tests in-house and produced the same error message, but the files were actually migrated successfully and do in fact match the new format correctly. Before you try migrating manually, you may want to verify this.
Version 4.1.1 was GA'd yesterday, and includes a fix to the migration script that will resolve this
Yeah... I sampled some current and past tags.conf files and it looks like all the information was actually migrated in the new format.
The code to validate the migration was a little silly, it tested too early. The fix in 4.1.1 is just to make the migration script not cry wolf. Probably everything is fine.