
demo splunk instance for tutorial

New Member

I was wondering what I needed to do in order to get started with a splunk tutorial. Do I need to
a) Install the splunk instance locally and upload demo data into it ? (or)
b) find a demo splunk instance available on the internet.

I searched for (b) but could not find it. It would be really useful if it existed to get people onboard splunk quickly.

0 Karma

Splunk Employee
Splunk Employee

Start with the Search Tutorial on the docs site. It walks you through installing the trial version and includes a sample data set that you can upload into Splunk, with instructions for searching, saving and sharing reports, and creating dashboards.

There is also a separate Data Model and Pivot Tutorial if you are interested in those features.


Hello Prasant,
See this tutorial.
-> please check installing splunk on windows/ any other version.

You can go ahead to see splunk site documentation as well. You can install splunk trail version to learn things.

0 Karma


Edited my answer, Thanks

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New Member

that link says "Page not found"

0 Karma
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