We are using a direct link to a dashboard like
If the user is not logged on to splunk, he/she is taken to the login-page with a "return_to" field
But after completing the login, the user is not taken to this dashboard, but to "app/launcher/home" with the hint "Could not load dashboard."
However: If the user is logged in, the direct dashboard link works just fine!
What setting could be wrong?
Right, looks like the slashes are html encoded twice. / to %2F and % becomes %25.
But this looks like a splunk internal conversation. Nothing I could configure? So is this a program issue?
I'm not aware of a Splunk setting you could change, but that doesn't mean there isn't one. Can you tell us more about your setup, please? Which identity provider? Are you using LDAP or SAML?
The server is using LDAP as SSO Provider.
LDAP is a protocol, not an identity provider, but you're probably using Active Directory. If that's the case then someone will have to help because I don't know enough about AD.
The return-to setting appears incorrect. Each "%252F" should be "%2F". The "&_ga=2.247581895.1749730921.1658146337-423236389.1656808866" on the end may be excess since it is not part of the direct URL.