Hi all,
I'm trying to install a UF on Linux and the installation procedure stops the moment the administrator username is being requested
"Please enter an administrator username: "
I can not figure out what is going as it does not proceed and it seems to just be freezing.
Is there a log file that I can check on the installation progress? or errors?
@ojay can you please try with following way?
create user-seed.conf file with following contents under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/
USERNAME = admin
PASSWORD = <password>
and procedd with installtion
./splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes --no-prompt
If you are running this e.g. user splunk have you change ownership of /opt/splunkforwarder (or what is your splunk home) to this user? If not then when you are starting splunk, it cannot write to conf-files.
r. Ismo
Yes exactly but it doesn't!
Current versions expecting that you will enter an administrator account and it’s password there. If you don’t need/want those then use —no-prompt parameter when you are starting splunk first time.
r. Ismo
Thanks for the response.
I do enter a name and enter. After that it just doesnt do anything.