removed splunk rpm 4.2.5 and installed splunk 4.3 and applied license. when i tried to search. it is giving 404 not found
Splunk cannot find the "flashtimeline" view.
permissions were global on flastimeline view. please let me know how can i start searching again.
This error appears when there was no migration or it failed during the upgrade process.
Workaround is to force migration to correct the issue. From $SPLUNK_HOME :
./bin/splunk stop
touch ftr
./bin/splunk start
Based on the information presented, and scavenged from a few reports, this problem seems to be a packaging or migration error on our (Splunk's) part. I currently have not investigated.
Please do engage Splunk Support for this problem:
It seems doubtful it affects all upgraders based on the number of reports, so capturing the details of this upgrade would be helpful. That includes:
This may require gathering of diags as they exist post-install to figure out. Pre-upgrade configuration state may be quite helpful.
I ended up stopping the services, backing up my splunk directory, uninstalling it completely, then reinstalling and copying over the databases and the etc directory. This worked, but not the most efficient upgrade path.
same here - 4.3 broke something
I am also have this problem,how can fix this problem?
I did an upgrade from 4.2 to 4.3, and from the Search app, if I click on anything to drill down further, I get the same error. Please advise.
Hi Draineh, Thanks for responding. I deleted the rpm but didnt clear the installed folder. I deleted it again. moved the installation folder and installed it again. its working fine now.
How are you trying to access the flashtimeline? Can you edit your question with the URL you are using, if you verified that the previous install was cleared successfully first?
If its a clean install it should be accessible.