Hello Everyone,
I've an issue when getting data in from my linux to Splunk Observability. So i've ubuntu 23 that is have nginx service, i want monitor nginx to the Splunk APM. Because Splunk Otel Collector not supported Ubuntu 23, i'm using Otel Collector Add-On in Universal Forwarder. The problem is host and service is not showing in the dashboard event when otel.log show the otel agent is running.
I've done allowed port that will be using by Splunk Otel and Connection to Observability like in this doc https://docs.splunk.com/observability/en/gdi/opentelemetry/exposed-endpoints.html#otel-exposed-endpo... . I've done followed this doc https://docs.splunk.com/observability/en/gdi/monitors-hosts/nginx.html for NGINX configuration. But still the service or host is not showed in splunk observability dashboard. fyi i'm still using trial version so i hope anyone here can help me solve this.
i'm still not found anything why the host not showed up yet, but i think the issue for service nginx not showed is this, this is from Splunk_TA_Otel.log