Hi @gcusello ,
We have an app "Splunk for Netxpress" when scanning through "Splunk Platform Upgrade Readiness App" we are getting following error. Can you please help me to get rid of this.
Rahul Gupta
Hi @rahul2gupta,
Advanced XML was a different way to build dashboards that's deprecated since two Splunk versions.
You're not lucky because that App is archived in splunkbase so there isn't a new version.
So you have to manually convert that App Simple XML.
In other words, you have to create, one by one, all the dashboards of the old app: you don't need to create the searches because the old searches are usually still compatible (eventually check the new app with the Readiness App), you have only to put those searches in panels created with Simple XML.
Hi @gcusello ,
You quoted "you have to manually convert that App Simple XML", Can you help me to understand this?
How it can be achieved?
Rahul Gupta
Hi @rahul2gupta,
you have to take, one by one, all the dashboards and run the searches of each panel.
If they run, go further, otherwise, debug the searches and see if you have all the data, if the knowledge objects are ok, and sono on.
The main problem should be the presence of data.