
Proper way for upgrade version from 7.3 to 8.1

Path Finder

Hi team,


We are upgrading splunk version from 7.3.6 to 8.1.X.

As per procudure first we have upgraded version on cluster master and trying to login their but could not logged-in, like its not accepting the credentials. 

1. Shall we upgrade entire infra first and then check.

2. Do we need to first get fix this login issue and then go for the next step.

Kindly suggest.


Thanks & Regards,

Abhijeet B. 

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If you used to be able to sign in to the CM and now you can't then there's a problem that should be rectified before proceeding.  Otherwise, you may find yourself unable to sign in to any instance.

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Path Finder

Hi richgalloway,

Thanks for the reply.

We observed thet when we upgraded to version 8.1 the LDAP setting has disabled. We have logged in by local admin and enabled it. Finally we are able to login into CM.


Thanks & Regards,
Abhijeet B. 

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