We've recently tried to upgrade our splunk from version 5.0 to 5.0.6 but we received errors in migration relating to our inputs.conf file. For example, here is a configuration we have in inputs:
disabled = false
followTail = 0
index = nexttomo
sourcetype = hk711
whitelist = *.txt
And here's the corresponding error:
12-17-2013 20:23:32.242 +0000 ERROR TailingProcessor - Invalid regular expression: '*.txt' in stanza 'monitor://$SPLUNK_HOME/data/shop_purchases' due to: Regex: nothing to repeat, ignoring this stanza
Does anyone have any idea how we can fix this in order to upgrade successfully?
The regex "*"
requires a character to repeat. Special "Splunk Regex Foo" for "*"
does not apply in this case. Try this:
whitelist = \.txt
Sorry, initially pasted a non-corresponding stanza.
Yes, this error appears for all the stanzas it seems
Did you try escaping the .?
whitelist = *\.txt
The monitor stanzas don't match. Are you getting this error for all monitor stanzas?