When I install Splunk agent on photon os version 3 and completed install, then check splunk status appeared splunk not running,
after executed the following command:
/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start
appeared the following error:
Splunk> Winning the War on Error
Checking prerequisites...
Checking mgmt port [8089]: not available
ERROR: mgmt port [8089] - port is already bound. Splunk needs to use this port.
Would you like to change ports? [y/n]: n
and when execute telnet command the port open.
appreciate your support in that:
Best Regards;
The error indicates that the port 8089 is already used by another process. Pls check that and you can use any other port OR use 8089 if no process is running on that [ its possible, a previous or orphoned process can still use that port. So, check and kill as needed]