
How can I install an app so that it deletes files in the local directory?

Path Finder

I have the case that when we install our new version of our app, we need to make sure that some of the local directory versions of the file have been deleted.

Since we don't have the file in the local directory, it doesn't get overwritten.
And if we put in a zero sized file, we get the overwrite, but now the Splunk interface fails when we try to go to that view.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

Update: After going around with Splunk Support, and additional Splunk Answers I believe the easiest way to do this for me will be to use a scripted input that will remove the files I want removed without bringing them into Splunk itself.

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1 Solution

Path Finder

Updated Question.

Solved problem using scripted inputs.

View solution in original post

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Path Finder

Updated Question.

Solved problem using scripted inputs.

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Revered Legend

Try to just put the same app.conf, which is available in default directory, in the local directory and deploy your app to overwrite local directory from the deployment client.

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Path Finder

I use a local app.conf file to force the upgraded app to go through the setup screen.

The problem is that there is a conf file in the local directory, lets say savedsearches.conf, it will override a default directory copy of the savedsearches.conf file. Even if the default directory version is the newer more accurate file.

Is there a way to force a removal of any file from the app's directory tree during installation/configuration?

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