
Help with adding sku/entitlement to Splunk account

New Member
The company I worked for paid for splunk observability cloud.
We got a sku number and some entitlement document but we still don't have aaccess to - We had a trial before hand that they (our splunk team) recommend us to get so that we can learn about splunk observability cloud tool. We can still access the trial, but we can't access any new account that we paid for or the trial hasn't converted into a full account. (I don't know what is suppose to happen. There is no billing page anywhere).
We reached out yesturday with our splunk team after we got a sku from sales but didn't know how to apply it - They said they would look into the issue.
They looked into the issue and they told me to setup a splunk account - I already setup a splunk account with my own email (lets say and the it email ( and I didn't see anything about payment, billing, etc.
I gave them snapshot pictures of what I saw, showing them the splunk dashboard for both my account and the IT account. - They said that didn't setup an entitlement document for us yet.
So they setup and sent over an entitlement document - then they told me to login in again and see if I notice anything.
However NOTHING was different - both accounts show trial in the splunk observability and there is nothing new in the normal splunk dashboard webpage.
I ask them where I can specifically look for billing, entitlement, or the sku in the splunk dashboard or from the observability cloud website - they said call support.
I tried calling support twice - the automated phone hung up on me.
At this point, I just want to make a case number somewhere online where someone can just help me. Is that possible?
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Login to with one of those accounts that should have the support entitlements. You can raise a case via this url:

Just incase you have not already, try clearing the browser cache and login to see if its any different.

If all else fails, contact the partner or Splunk rep who is assigned to your account. 


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