Hello Splunk,
Found a question about folder case-sensitivity and file content sensitivity, what about the file names, exp indexes.conf vs INDEXES.CONF? will the second be ignored?
Thank you very much
Yes, assume case sensitivity ...
As for your use case, i'd recommend to not even allow the option to write some conf files as you mentioned
More information, please. What is the context? What platform are you using?
We want to build a self-service for customers to deploy apps on our splunk instance. But we want to blacklist some files the customer can deploy, exp the customer should not be able to provide an indexes.conf or authorize.conf. So we would like to preprocess the delivered package and blacklist unwanted files. For example, we would blacklist indexes.conf, but do we also have to blacklist INDEXES.CONF?
Thank you very much for any hints..
Should be easy enough to try that out I guess?
Anyway, simple solution of course is to make the blacklisting case insensitive, regardless. Even if Splunk would be ignoring INDEXES.CONF, I'd still not want such files in an app, since it could cause confusion later on.