
Cannot start with etc/users directory which has upper case character='.DS_Store'

Loves-to-Learn Lots

Hi all,

I'm getting this error periodically with my local Splunk Enterprise installation in Mac OS. I've resorted to just reinstalling when this happened in the past but I'd like to avoid that and understand the cause / fix. 

Splunk was running but seemed to hand when I tried to restart from the webUI. After that I get this error when trying to start. If I try to stop via CLI I it says splunkd is not running.

Help is very much appreciated as this is getting to be a real pain. 

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Loves-to-Learn Lots

Quick update: I manually removed '.DS_Store' from the etc/users directory and could then start. I'm not sure why this issue keeps coming up but that's at least an easier fix than reinstalling.

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